Strelicia is an officially licensed logistics company in Georgia. We transport both private and commercial shipments, including oversized cargo.
We receive your packages at our offices in various countries and ship them to Georgia. For Wildberries and OZON orders, we collect them at our owned pickup points. Packaging and dispatching to Georgia are done on-site under continuous video surveillance (as required by OZON and Wildberries pickup points and logistics companies). Packages are then transported to Tbilisi in sealed cargo trucks.
Packages are accepted daily in all countries, from 10 AM to 6 PM local time of the sender's country. It is not possible to track each package on the website at the moment of receipt; all packages are updated during the preparation for shipment to Georgia. Shipments to Georgia occur once a week from Russia and once every two weeks from other countries.
All purchases must be delivered to our offices. In Russia, we can receive your packages at Post of Russia, CDEK, Yandex Market, and Boxberry offices, and we also handle your pharmacy orders. For pharmacy orders, after completing the purchase on the website, you need to transfer the payment for medications to a Russian bank card—pharmacies do not accept online payments.
For purchases from any Russian online stores except Ozon and Wildberries, it is preferable to use courier delivery to our office at Aksai, Platova 83/1, as indicated in your personal account under the "My Addresses" section. If the seller does not offer this option, you may choose any delivery method from our list of addresses. For purchases from Avito, treat them as parcels—delivery through CDEK and Boxberry, as chosen by your seller.
We pick up parcels from Aksai, from third-party delivery services, approximately once a week, before the truck departure. We do not pick up each parcel individually! The day of parcel receipt depends on the truck departure day and is variable.
When you enter information about your parcel on our website, it appears in your personal account with the status "Pending." When your item is prepared for dispatch from the sender's country, its status changes to "In Warehouse." When the item is on its way, the status updates to "Shipped." Upon arrival at customs in Tbilisi (a standard procedure for importing goods and not necessarily requiring payment of import duties), the status changes to "In Customs." Once the batch of goods is received from customs, the parcel status updates to "Sorting"—this means we are preparing the goods for pickup and sorting them into your personal packages. When the item is ready for pickup in Tbilisi, the status will be "Ready for Pickup in Tbilisi." After you receive the parcel, the status changes to "Received." Sometimes, the status may not update promptly; this is not a problem—the status will update after accounting. If you do not pick up your parcel within 30 days of receiving the notification of readiness in Tbilisi, it will be disposed of, and the status will change to "Disposed." If such an incident occurs, we hold no grudge, and you can continue using our service, though we prefer when you pick up your parcels on time.
We do not consolidate or separate your parcels. This is a fundamental condition of our service—we are not responsible for the contents of parcels sent to you by third parties. To consolidate parcels, we would need to open them and find additional packaging. We do not open or inspect any parcels—responsibility for the content, compliance, expiration dates, and other details is not ours.
For Wildberries and OZON, one pickup per code provided by you is one parcel—the shipping cost for this parcel is calculated based on the total weight of all items. The order of purchases and deliveries does not matter to us—if you provide a code, we pick up the item; if no code is provided, we do not. We do not see items in transit; we only see items that have arrived at our pickup point.
If you need to check something in a Wildberries or OZON item, you write a specific and measurable task in the comments on the pickup form with the code—our staff will check it and, if necessary, send it back. Checking items is free of charge. Without a request to inspect the item, we do not look at it. If you need to return something without receiving it, you also write what exactly in the comments, without including the article number! Return of goods is subject to a fee of 5 GEL for each item. Returns from Georgia to Russia are not possible. Returns of non-returnable goods at Wildberries are not possible, usually including food and cosmetics.
If you activate cargo insurance, this action is irreversible for parcels already in the system! Please think carefully before enabling one-time or automatic insurance.
Entering incorrect personal information on our website—surname, name, document number—may lead to questions from the Georgian customs service, as this data is automatically included in customs documents for importing goods into Georgia.
To collect your goods at our Tbilisi office, you only need to provide your surname, name and account number on our website—any person you provide this information to can do this.
To receive goods in Tbilisi with home delivery, you need to call a courier yourself following the procedure described in the "Delivery in Georgia" section of the website.
For receiving goods outside of Tbilisi, you need to fill out the form provided in the "Delivery in Georgia" section of the website.
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