
04.03.2025 We remind you that we have a bonus system!

What does it give you:

  • By joining you automatically receive 2 GEL to your bonus account.
  • By recommending our service you receive 3 GEL for each recommendation (after your friend pays for the order).
  • Then, from every payment your friends make, you receive 5% of their purchase to your bonus account - always.
  • When making payments for our services you always receive 3% cashback.
  • By using these opportunities you will save on our services; the discount when paying with accumulated points can reach up to 100%.
  • Even if you leave Georgia, but continue to make recommendations and receive points, we will pay you the accumulated points in multiples of 100 GEL to any bank card.

    What you need to join:

Follow the link: 
Download the application and register in it.

Using the Recommend button, send a link to everyone who may be interested in our services.

To pay for our services with points, you need:
1. Go to the Replenishment tab on our website. 
2. Enter the amount of points that you have on your account in the UDS application into the Promotional Code window, enter the code from the UDS application (6 digits, it will be generated when you click on the “Discount Code” button).
3. In the last window, select Payment with UDS points, instead of Payment by card and click Next. 
Points will be debited automatically.

If there are not enough points to fully pay the cost of delivery, you can top up your balance here with a card for the missing amount, then pay for the delivery in full.

Thank you for using our service!


All three flights that were on the road arrived safely in Tbilisi, received from customs and sorted, and will be ready for collection at standard parcel pickup times.


Due to the fact that the capacity of trucks at the Russian border is limited, the flight sent later arrived in Georgia earlier - since it was loaded into a truck with a carrying capacity of 2 tons. The previous trip in a 5 ton truck has not yet been completed.

There is still a danger of avalanches in the mountains, the snow is cleared slowly, the traffic on the highway is reversed - large vehicles are allowed through with perishable cargo on a priority basis, our cargo is not perishable - so, unfortunately, we were not allowed through on a first-come, first-served basis.

We apologize for the current situation and are making every effort to resolve it as quickly as possible. Thank you for your patience and understanding.


There may be delays in cargo from Russia, as well as delivery of parcels within Georgia, for an indefinite period of time, due to unfavorable weather conditions on the territory of Georgia.


The delayed flight from Russia is on its way, the car is being repaired.


We inform customers that the flight from Russia with shipments from 21.01 to 01.02 is delayed due to a car breakdown on the highway.

29.12.2025 Office work schedule in Tbilisi for the New Year holidays.

All parcels from Russia received before December 25th were delivered to Tbilisi on December 28th.
Delivery of parcels in Tbilisi - December 30, 2024, from 15 to 20 hours. 
from December 31, 2024 to January 9, 2025 - days off. The first working day in 2025 is January 10. 
We wish you pleasant holidays.


We are pleased to announce the expansion of our services - we now offer a selection of goods from China

We have a huge database of trusted suppliers. Any goods that you don’t know where to buy yourself - we will find everything according to your request and deliver it.

We will bring furniture, plumbing fixtures, lamps, technological equipment, appliances and electronics, goods for your business and much more.

Our database also includes verified suppliers of luxury copies of famous brands, 1:1 to the original. For most of these items, even the packaging and documentation correspond to the original, as if you had bought this product in a Hong Kong company store. The biggest advantage is that you can order tailoring in non-standard sizes - both small and large.

You tell us your problem, we find the best offer for you. This also applies to those goods that are not sold to the foreign market - only within China.

We import this product into Georgia as our own commercial cargo: we do the duties and clearance ourselves. You receive the goods without unnecessary worries.

Exception: cargo that you need to import in the name of your company will be registered in your name.

Diana @wb_diana deals with China. Ask other questions only to the operators

The algorithm for placing orders from China is HERE.

✅All factories we cooperate with are verified. The quality of the product is high. You can easily buy a cheap product without our participation and arrange regular delivery with us. The exception for the cheap segment is wholesale only: we will deliver cheap items in batches of 10 pieces or more. There are many local brands in China with cool designs and excellent quality - we can also find this on request for clothing stores.

We have created a separate channel for publishing product examples and unpackings - come in.

We also created Instagram - join us. Instagram will have more live updates and photos, and Telegram will have information that cannot be published on Instagram. We are also planning to hold competitions with prizes!

Important information

1. All parcels from Russia that were delayed have already been delivered to Georgia. We strive to minimize delays, but they are possible, and this is stated in the terms of our service.

2. From July 8, update of delivery tariffs for Wildberries and Ozon. More details in the section Prices, terms and customs.

Connect to our social networks and stay up to date with all the news and offers! We love you as always ❤️


Delivery of goods from Russia. 

Due to the fact that from this year Russia has forced everyone who has not done this before to register goods for export, there are huge queues for processing declarations and crossing the border from the Russian side. Previously, we processed export declarations in 1-2 days, now it takes 3-9 days. After completing the paperwork, we can load the car and leave. 

Previously, customs services at border points did not inspect postal vehicles; we drove sealed from customs in Rostov to customs in Tbilisi. Now the rules have changed and sometimes a car can be subject to a thorough inspection at Russian customs - this is complete unloading and loading at the terminal - then the deadlines are unpredictable and can be extended by an indefinite number of days - the inspection can take 10 days and 30 days in addition to all clearance procedures. Cars stand there in line and at any moment their queue can be moved by other cars with perishable goods. 

Unfortunately, this inevitably affects our delivery times. And the only thing we can now guarantee is that the goods are prepared, as always, according to the law and will definitely arrive to you. Of course, no one can talk about delivery times of 7-12 days now; on average, we get delivery of 12-15 days. But it happens much longer. 

That is why it is impossible to specifically answer the questions “When will the package arrive.” We are of course interested in delivering everything as quickly as possible and are making every effort to do this. 

We also remind you of our conditions stated on our website: “Delivery times directly depend on road conditions, queues at the borders and the duration of customs clearance, we take responsibility for the fact that your cargo will be delivered to Georgia, we take responsibility for delivery times We cannot take responsibility for ourselves, because most of the reasons for increasing the deadlines are not within our area of ​​responsibility. Therefore, we urge you not to order anything that you need by a specific date or if you need to travel.” 

There are also long queues at the Georgian customs now - everything there is littered with small and not properly processed goods from the Temu website, 15 tons of it arrive in Georgia every day and customs does not have time to process it, this also affects the overall deadlines. 

We apologize for the inconvenience and are getting used to the new reality together with you. 

Delivery of goods from Turkey, Poland, Greece and China is proceeding as usual.

May 10, 2024. We remind you that we have a bonus system!

What does it give you:

  • By joining you automatically receive 2 GEL to your bonus account.
  • By recommending our service you receive 3 GEL for each recommendation (after your friend pays for the order).
  • Then, from every payment your friends make, you receive 5% of their purchase to your bonus account - always.
  • When making payments for our services you always receive 3% cashback.
  • By using these opportunities you will save on our services; the discount when paying with accumulated points can reach up to 100%.
  • Even if you leave Georgia, but continue to make recommendations and receive points, we will pay you the accumulated points in multiples of 100 GEL to any bank card.

    What you need to join:

Follow the link: 
Download the application and register in it.

Using the Recommend button, send a link to everyone who may be interested in our services.

To pay for our services with points, you need:
1. Go to the Replenishment tab on our website. 
2. Enter the amount of points that you have on your account in the UDS application into the Promotional Code window, enter the code from the UDS application (6 digits, it will be generated when you click on the “Discount Code” button).
3. In the last window, select Payment with UDS points, instead of Payment by card and click Next. 
Points will be debited automatically.

If there are not enough points to fully pay the cost of delivery, you can top up your balance here with a card for the missing amount, then pay for the delivery in full.

Thank you for using our service!

May holidays.

During the May holidays, our office operates according to our standard schedule. Parcels within Georgia by Delivo service will be sent only on May 7 - May 2,3,4,5,6 are Delivo's days off.

1 апреля 2024. Что происходит на Российско-Грузинской границе.

Поясним ситуацию в связи с тем, что на эту тему много ходит не корректных слухов.

В начале этого года, при попытке вывоза из России, запрещенных деталей спецтехники, на границе была задержана автомашина. До этого момента, почти все компании, возящие посылки из России в Грузию, вывозили товар из России без соответствующего таможенного оформления - «договариваясь на месте». 
Те, кто возил таксистами или частными машинами - ничего не оформляли ни на Российской, ни на Грузинской границе, рискуя попасть в любой момент на полную растаможку груза, штрафы за контрабанду, конфискацию вещей клиентов и запрет на въезд в Грузию (при неоднократном нарушении).

С января 2024 года, Россия полностью блокировала выезд не оформленных грузов - все кто не оформлял - встали на границе. Оформлять дорого и времязатратно, многие компании не готовы заниматься этим, поэтому подождав месяц-полтора и поняв, что «как раньше» не будет, вернули свои машины в пункты отправления и раздали посылки отправителям. 
Кто-то с застрявшими грузами пытается переправить товар вразнобой с частными таксистами - в этот момент таможня Грузии увидела увеличившийся поток незаконно ввозимого в страну товара и таможенники начали ловить и их. Для таких перевозчиков пути два - если таможня засекла человека с контрабандой, его могут развернуть в обратную сторону или изъять весь товар на растаможку - выписав водителю штраф и отправив товар на экспертизу (это может занимать до трех месяцев) и после оформление налога на весь груз в размере 18%. 
Есть компании, которые надеялись что после «выборов» в России таможня не будет больше внимательно смотреть за перевозками и обещали всем, что в марте месяце начнут возить «как раньше» - может конечно так и будет, время покажет, но пока этого не произошло, мы же привыкли работать в белую, не надеяться на авось и все документы оформлять всегда.

В связи с тем, что сейчас пытаются оформлять все, кто этого не делал - на оформление деклараций и прохождение границы с Российской стороны, появились очереди. И если раньше мы проходили все процедуры за 1-2 дня, теперь это происходит 3-9 дней. К сожалению это неминуемо сказывается на сроках доставки. И единственное, что мы можем сейчас гарантировать - то что товар оформлен как всегда по закону и точно приедет к вам. Говорить о сроках доставки 7-12 дней конечно никто сейчас не может, в среднем у нас получается доставка 12-15 дней. Но иногда машина может попасть в тщательный таможенный досмотр на российской таможне - тогда сроки непредсказуемы и могут быть увеличены на неопределенное количество дней - досмотр может занимать дополнительно ко всем процедурам оформления и 10 дней и 30 дней. Именно поэтому невозможно конкретно отвечать на вопросы «Когда придет посылка». Мы конечно заинтересованы в том, чтоб выдать все как можно быстрее и прилагаем для этого все усилия.

Также напоминаем вам о наших условиях, прописанных на нашем сайте: «Сроки доставки напрямую зависят от дорожных условий, очередей на границах и продолжительности таможенного оформления, мы берем на себя ответственность за то, что ваш груз будет доставлен в Грузию, ответственность за сроки доставки брать на себя не можем, потому что большая часть причин для увеличения сроков, не входит в зону нашей ответственности. Поэтому настоятельно просим не заказывать ничего, что нужно к конкретной дате или если вам нужно уезжать.»

Таможня в Тбилиси скорректировала свою программу и больше не задерживает нам оформление, как в феврале, на прохождение Грузинской таможни у нас уходит как раньше 1-2 дня.

Приносим извинения за сложившиеся неудобства и привыкаем к новой реальности вместе с вами.